
Sidumilu /SK/

Ahoj. Voláme sa sidumilu. Sme z dediny. Bývame na Orave (Novoť). Je nás 6 + 2 kólie. Sme kreatívni a tak trošku aj zruční. Bývame pri lese a preto príroda a prírodniny nám nie sú vôbec cudzie. Milujeme jednoduchosť a minimalizmus asi na všetky možné spôsoby. Stretnúť si nás mohol na Vianoce, keď si si vyberal smrekové vianočné ozdoby alebo si o nás počul v lete a máš teraz na sebe niečo z ľanu alebo ho práve obliekaš svojmu dieťatku kým ono drží v ruke nášho zajačika. A možno si o nás ešte nikdy nepočul. Preto Ti chceme ukázať, že máme svojský vkus a možno širší záber, no chceme Ti ho priblížiť a nevieš možno sa Ti zapáči tiež.

Hey. We are sidumilu. We come from a village called Orava (Novoť). There are 6 of us + 2 collies. We are creative and we have a bit of skill. We live near a forest and that is why nature and its products are very familiar to us. We love simplicity and minimalism in all their forms. You might have seen us at Christmas when you were shopping for Christmas ornaments or you have heard about us in the summer and you bought some linen wear or you dress your baby in it while it’s holding our bunny. Or you might have never heard about us yet. That is why we want to show you that we have our signature style and possibly wider selection; we simply want to acquaint you with it and you might take a liking to it.